Currently, we can only ship to addresses within the United States. International shipping options may be available in the future
Processing Time:
Orders are typically processed and shipped within 1-2 business days after payment is received, excluding weekends and holidays.
Shipping Methods:
We offer standard shipping via [UPS, USPS, Amazon Logistics] for domestic orders within the United States.
Expedited shipping options are not available.
Shipping Rates:
Standard Shipping is $5.99. Free shipping for order over $59. (except in remote areas such as the Virgin Islands) Please kindly note that we will not issue any refund for your order if you refuse to receive the package we sent to you.
Delivery Time:
For US customers, the shipping time will be 5-12 business days.
If you haven't received your package or tracking information within 12 days, please get in touch with us.
Lost or Damaged Packages:
We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages once they have been handed over to the carrier.
If your package arrives damaged, please contact us immediately with photos of the damaged item and packaging.
Tax Policy:
We do not charge customers for taxes on our website. The prices listed are exclusive of any applicable taxes. For any questions or concerns regarding taxes or duties, feel free to contact us.